Tiger - Street Ranger

Channel: Street Ranger

This time around the pussy was waiting for me, my buddy Cesar hook this babe up, He called me up and said yo I got this colombian cutie thta has this nice tits and she wants to get fucked right, ya know the way the ranger can do, so i got in my car call the girl up and decided we'll meet somewhere by the bay, i did not know what i was getting into but who cares! lets just have fun. I've meet this girl tiger" and she took me to this apartment where she was staying with her ex boyfriend yeah this girl has the guts to take me and fuck me in her ex's bed oh my god i hoppe i don't get killed. Back to the story this sexy latin mama is a Colombiana from Los Angeles and the minute that girl and i meet she was ready to play with my cock i mean she keep saying that she has heard a lot about me and that she knows i will fuck her the way she likes because she is a very horny girl.this girl has a small figure with a very sexy body and plenty of energy (she was jumping like little troll) I've enjoyed sucking on those nice round nipples of hers and when we started to fuck this honey let me know not to tease her but to just keep on fucking wao i got this feeling this girl don't get to be fucked right there in L.A and that's why i am here to help chicks who are needing some good sex i mean we were fucking and she did not wanted to stop she keep saying yeah please dont try to tease me just keep fucking at some point i had to tell her that i know i have a pretty big cock i am not a robot. This girl is realy liker her name a hungry tiger only that this tiger is loking for Cock. At the end i was supposed to take her to the airport so she could leave back to L.A but i did not want to be found by this chick's ex boyfriend that was not going to be funny so i decided to leave hey i've allready had a piece of the pie i hoppe she didn't miss her plane but whatever just check this one out."
